Fill my cup Lord,
I lift it up Lord,
Come and fill this thirsting in my soul.
Bread of Heaven, feed me til I want no more,
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
I lift it up Lord,
Come and fill this thirsting in my soul.
Bread of Heaven, feed me til I want no more,
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.
I don't know about you, but so many times when my cup is empty and I feel hollow inside, I look to others to fill me back up. Sometimes I feel like my cup is always empty no matter what I do. Why is this? The answer is clear, I'm not looking to the right source...Jesus. He is the only one who can fill us ALL the way up, even to overflowing. He is more than willing to be all you need, in fact, He longs for it.
Don't be afraid to tell God what you need, what is missing from your life. Tell Him all the things that YOU have done to try and fill the void yourself, and then ask HIM to fill you with His love and flood you with His presence.
Beth Moore says, " If Christ has not been invited to fill up all the hollow places in our lives, we may be saved---But we are not safe!"
Oswald Chambers says, "No love of the natural heart is safe unless the human heart has been satisfied by God first."
Constantly seeking to be filled by others leaves us and them feeling drained. We become dissatisfied and our relationships suffer because of unmet, unrealistic expectations. So friends, let others off the hook and run to Jesus! He is the only one able to handle our need and totally fill our cup!
Breathe in His Word Today,