This week in our Bible Study, we are learning about our ancient ruins...things in our past and our family line that are holding us in bondage. This is the point in our study where we start really "digging" into what made us who we are today. This is an important step because we need to dig up the old yuck so that God can plant His Word in our hearts and minds.
Well let me just say that I need a shovel...a BIG one! I've always known that I had junk to be dealt with, but I didn't realize just how far down it went. I may even need me a bulldozer by the time I'm finished (that was for you, Regina! ). To tell the truth, I don't care if it takes a shovel or a bulldozer to clear out my junk, I just want it gone. I want there to be a wide open, spacious place for God to plant His Word in me and heal my mind and heart from the lies that I have carried with me for so long.
Freedom is my goal...freedom for me, and for Christian.
I am willing to do the digging, even though I know it is going to be very hard and at times painful. BUT in order to have God's Word planted, I know must be prepared...getting out the yuck, the rocks, the weeds (the lies, the bondage)...
So...will someone throw me a shovel so I can get started???? My spacious place is calling my name!
Breathe in His Word today...